Kaiya turned two on Tuesday, and I was sad! She is growing so fast and it is so sad! I swear she knew that it was her birthday and that she was 2!! She was acting so strange! She would show off, throw fits, and get mad when we would talk and not listen to her! We took her to chuck E cheese cause she just loves that place! Johans mom and Yojana made her a very pretty princess cake, they made it with this brownie cookie mix that i got from Costco and it was so good! Kaiya thought so too! She was running around with her piece of cake, she had it wrapped in a napkin, when i tried to take it to push the napkin down i got in so much trouble!! We just had the family come to her birthday cause we wanted to do it small this time around! Being pregnant and having finals it was just so much easier! We did a big one for her 1st bday and we will probably do a big one for her 3rd! Just with everything going on i didnt have the time or energy to have a big party! Thank you for the family and the help that they did! Thanks for all the birthday wishes to Kaiya and the gifts! She got a Barbie head from Yojana, Nefi, Andrea and Sasha cause she loves to play with everyones hair! She loves it so much she wants to take it when we go bye-bye! She got Sherk the final chapter and the little mermaid toddler doll from my dad, help towards her new big girl from Grandma Violeta, Papa Felix, and Daniel, From my grandma and grandpa in Saint George she got a huge Spongebob pillow that she loves, my mom got her the movie Despicable Me, and then from us we got her princess barbies and what every girl loves...SHOES! Thanks again to everyone for her gifts and wishes! And to everyone who helped me, mainly Johan, Yojana and Grammy Violeta!
Here are some pictures:

~Birthday Girl!!~

~Daddy and Kaiya~

~Birthday outfit, It was a little big!~

~Eating her cake, TO GO!~

~Her princess cake, made by Grammy Violeta and Yojana!~