On Monday March 14th at 4:34 pm Kyson came into our family! He weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and 19 inches long. I went in to be induced at 7 am Monday morning thinking this shouldn't take very long and will more than likely be a breeze....WRONG! I tried to wait as long as I could before getting the epidural, I did pretty good lasted longer than I thought! But the guy that came in to do my epidural was a major JERK! When he did my epidural I got this sharp pain that went shooting down my right side and of course it made me jump cause it hurt! I told Johan that I think he was to far over to the right because that hurt and last time it didnt hurt at all to me. Sure enough I started to not feel ANYTHING on my right side but could feel my left bottom side, I kept telling him that it hurts and i could still feel it. I was on meds that made my contractions stronger and harder! So he gave me a spinal block that you get for c-sections and that didnt work either! Finally after many tears, pain, sweat, shaking, rise in my blood pressure and a drop in the baby's blood pressure he FINALLY gave me more of the spinal block and it worked! Thank goodness! But when the dr came in to break my water he noticed that Kyson had pooped because of the stress (thanks jerk who thought i was being a baby, later the nurse told us he usually like that, wrong choice a of job dude!). After 9 and 1/2 hours of labor, 5 and 1/2 of them without drugs to make me go faster (which once they turned the meds off cause Kyson wasnt handling that very well either, I went faster on my own) Kyson came out, sadly he was rushed to the side to get the fluid out of his stomach and to see if he swallowed any poop, :( he did and A LOT! I was the first to hold him for a whole 2 seconds before he was rushed away to the NICU cause he was having trouble taking deep breaths. After about an hour and a half he started to be able to breath on his own but then they saw that he had low blood sugar. So he was there until about 9:30pm, my mom, Kevin, Ronnie, Johans parents and Daniel were all there to greet this sweet little boy into our family! First look when you look into his sweet little face and i mean little face, he is tiny, all you see is Johan's mini me! Everything except the dark blue eyes looks just like Johan all the way down to his little butt, not to his feet those are mine! :)
He is such a good baby! He sleeps great during the night, don't mistaken he sure keeps me up at night and it sure does get to me last night my mom came to check if i needed anything and i was feeding and falling asleep!! My mom has been such a great help this week, but of course she is, she loves her grandkids! Spoils them to the point were me and my sister want to kill her cause we have to undo the behavior that follows it! Kaiya loves her little brother! She loves to hold him (except when we want to take pictures of it!), feed him, burp him, tell him its ok when he cries, wants us to make him stop crying she starts to fake cry if we dont make him stop crying fast enough (SO CUTE & funny), and LOVES to kiss him (once again except when we try to catch it on film!). Johan is in LOVE with his little buddy, he loves his little girl too but he is so happy to have his little boy! He is non stop smiles at this little boy, and they are the cutest smiles ever! He is so excited to not be the only boy! At first I was a bit sad cause i wanted another little girl cause Kaiya is so much fun and my little best friend! But now that Kyson is here I am so happy to have a boy added to our family! He is just the sweetest little thing a girl could ask for! You dont even know his personality yet but its just the feeling you get when you hold him, is that he is just a blessing to have and is going to be a joy to be around! I am so grateful for my husband and all his hard work! I am so thankful that we have our little family, its only going to be us for a while like 4 years until we add another little one to our family, well probably 5 included getting pregnant then being pregnant. We want to be done with school and settled before we add more but we will add more! :) Right now we love our little family of four and are enjoying ever crazy fun filled moment of it! Here are some recent family pictures and Kyson's first photo shoot: