We had such a fun Thanksgiving!! We got to have two of them, one at my moms and then one with Johan's family! They were both very good!! Kaiya loved mash potatoes that is all she ate, she did eat a little turkey but she is just like her mommy loves those mash potatoes!! It was Kaiya and Andrea's first Thanksgiving, i tried to get pictures but of course the girls weren't very helpful they just wanted to play!! But all and all it was good....My favorite part is the Black Friday after Thanksgiving! But not this year!! Both of us are going to school and don't have money but next year Johan graduates and will hopefully have a good job. So we can have a place of our own FINALLY!! Johan's parents can get rid of us!! Maybe then i can feel like a wife and mother!! Its really hard when you dont have your own place!! But i love being with them and i am very Thankful for them letting us stay with them!! They are great!! I am Thankful for my mommy who helps me with Kaiya while me and Johan go to school!! She is so helpful i dunno if i show her enough!! I love my family down in St. George and I hope they had a great holiday! I wish my daddy lived closer so he could be around Kaiya more! I am very thankful to have TWO great sisters in my life!! My sister Tiffany who helped me with getting my books for school!! Plus she is a great person to talk to and lean on!! She is the best!! Then Johan's sister Yojana, she is there to help with Kaiya and anything i need!! I dont know what i would do with out them in my life so THANK YOU!!! I am also very Thankful for my friends and most of all Catania, who pretty much are my friends! You are always there when i need someone to talk to or lean on!! Thank you so much for being a good friend!! I love you!! Of course i am Thankful for my husband and baby girl!!! they make me so happy and i feel so loved!!! I love you guys more than anything in the world!!! I am so happy that Johan picked me to be his wife (i hope i do good at that!) and Kaiya for picking me to be her mommy!! I may wanna kick your butt through your life but i will always be there for my sweet baby girl!!! I love you both so much!!!
Happy Holidays Everyone!! I love you all!!!
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