I know that i am always saying how big my baby is..........but this time i want to write things she has done so I remember and everyone can see how smart she is!!
2 months old:
* Learned to talk (coo)
* Started Smiling
* Would only wake up at 6 eat, then go back to bed (thats better than how she sleeps NOW)
* Found her fingers
6 months old:
* Could crawl (maybe more around 5 1/2 months, but 6 months she was good!!)
* Started to pull herself up
* Got her first tooth!! (it would come up and down for weeks she was 7 months when it finally came through!)
* Would laugh and talk to you
* Could stand alone for a very long time
10 months old:
* Found that she loved Blue's Clues and Bee movie
* Has four teeth now (finally, she had the bottom two forever)
* 10 1/2 months she started walking
* Could say: Mom, Baba (bottle), Dad, moe moe (more, more), Kitty, puppy, baby, and stop! (when we would play fight with anyone she would get so mad and scream!! Still does that)
* She is a very protective little girl! She loves to laugh and have fun but the second someone starts screaming or saying no, dont, stop.....She FREAKS out!! Its so sad and funny!!
1 year old:
* She loves to put her babies (she loves her babies) in the stroller my mom got her for Christmas, and push it around! Run into things, hard, then back up and run with the stroller.
* Loves when her Grandmas chase her! She loves to run away!! Which is AWESOME!! I can't wait till I hate it when she does it in the stores or something!! The other day Andrea and Kaiya were playing with coats and those girls have to have the thing the other has! So Andrea wanted both coats and would NOT let Kaiya have one so Yojana gave one to Kaiya and one to Andrea, and of course Kaiya wanted the one Andrea had and Andrea wanted the one Kaiya had! So Andrea grabbed the coat from Kaiya and dropped the other, so Kaiya grabbed it and RAN!! Andrea ran after her to get it and Kaiya was not giving it up this time without a fight!! She ran from the Kitchen table to the living room, around the couch, and back to the table behind me! It was so funny and cute!!
* Loves to pretend she is playing the video games with us! She will jump and laugh!
* Says think (from Blue's clues), woo ( when she spins herself, or stomps on the ground and turns in a circle, which is SO funny!!
* Sometimes my mom will say "Uno, Dos, Tres" and she copies her!! (well sounds pretty close)
She is my baby and yes i want to pull my hair out and she makes me so MAD, but i am SO in love with her!!! I love when she cuddles with me and gives me kisses!! I love my little princess and cant wait to see more of her personality come out!! I love you Kaiya and forever and always!!
california 2014
10 years ago
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