Lets see what else, she loves to have her shoes put on, and she is starting to take an interest in the toilet! She will stand next to it like she is going to sit down, pull on her pants and say pee....so i put her on the toilet and NOTHING!! But it is a start she is only a year and a half, that's when i was potty trained so we are trying! My baby is growing up and it makes me sad and wanting another one.....but don't worry family, we are trying to wait a little longer...but still it cant hurt to want!!
Johan is starting to apply for drafting jobs, so if anyone knows of any let us know!! He is so ready to be done with the last couple of classes....yes he did get to graduate early because they only offer the last ones in the summer and he made is case about not wanting to wait a year to graduate so they let him!! He should be done the end of July, and he could not be happier to get it over and done with!! I am so proud of him!! I try to tell him as much as i can that i am!! He is been the best lately!! Not like he isn't but we have been laughing a lot and trying to cuddle more, if Kaiya lets us most of the time she tries to get in the middle or tells Johan "NO!!" its pretty funny!! She keeps us laughing so hard that it makes our face and tummy hurt from laughing so hard!! We love are baby so much even when she is a little brat, that thinks she can do whatever she wants!! But I guess that is a girl for ya!! :)
Here are some pics so far that i have on my phone:

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