Kaiya~ My little baby turned 3 on December 14th and once again we had her party at her favorite place, Chuck-E-Cheese! She talks SO well! She use to say "Mommy, dont cry!" now she says "Mommy, dont cry its okay. Ill kiss it better okay, its better? Yea its better!" It makes me smile! She said the other day, "No i want a kiss like daddy! Like this...." Then gives me a long kiss and holds my head. It was the cutest thing, i remember thinking 'oh no'! She will spill her drinks and smear them all over then want to clean it up. She repeats movies, her fave right now is Simple wish, just like Jace! She repeats the things that i didnt know she could say, the things i can barely say! She is so stinkin smart! Anyway, she loves Blue's clues, Phineas and Ferb (she calls it perry), Snow white (whenever we talk about my dad she thinks of Snow white, inside story on how she is his princess and she says "yeah just like Snow white!"), Of course Spongebob, and this coloring show on Netflix it is a show were they show you how to color, THATS IT!!! Its no talking, no characters, no dancing....Just this offal music but she loves it and so does Kyson. She is the sweetest little thing ever! She is just like me....;) She is my best 'little' friend!! My favorite thing she does is dance, sing, or repeat movies.....My favorite thing she says is "Mommy, can i lay with you?" and of course "Mommy, I love you, give me kiss!" I am thinking about putting her in SOMETHING! I dunno if i should put her in dance or gymnastics!?! Either one i know she will LOVE!!

This picture was taking at my little nieces Andrea's 3rd birthday party, where Kyson was very social!! He LOVED these cupcakes!! Everyone was laughing on how he was just downing these things, so he looked at everyone then looked right at Yojana and CHEESEBALL!! Haha!!
He is 10 months old and it makes me sad! He is so stinkin big i hate it! But he is so active now, he crawls SO fast when he sees someone eating, the computer, chasing after his sister, following Johan, me, or his sister into a different room, and to turn on and off the PlayStation. He walks along the couch with one had, starting to stand on his own with no support especially when he is throwing a fit he will stand alone then sit down and throw himself back. He copies anything you do if its a facial expression and/or a sound. He is not as good as Kaiya with sleeping at night, he just starting to get threw the whole night.
At his last check up he has lost weight he is 21 pounds, he is still my little chunky boy but since he is so active he is staying or losing weight! He is totally Johan! He has such an amazing personality that can changes your mood to whatever to happy! He is always happy, given he is a grump when he is hungry or sleepy, once again just like his daddy! We are always laughing at the things he does, the old and the new! We love our little monkey!
Sorry if i am not making sense i am doing this on little sleep and being sick, THANKS JOHAN!! But we are doing good, Johan and I, I love him so much! I am so thankful for all his hard work that he does providing for our family and how much he takes care of us and loves us! Im doing pretty good on one of my goals for this year, keeping the house picked up! I will pick up here and there during the day but at night i clean all the toys up, making sure the kitchen is clean, and that our room is clothes and toy free! My other goals are eating better and getting in shape and better my self control which i am doing pretty good at, i could do better!! That is kind of an update in a nutshell!
Sorry we missed the birthday party! :( Looks like things are going well for you guys, we should get together and let the babies play sometime! :)
ReplyDeleteWe totally should do that! Are you guys moving or is that still not decided!?! But i know that Kaiya would love to play with your little girl!!!