Well Kyson turned one a couple of weeks ago and we had an awesome birthday party at our stake!! We had so much fun playing and visiting with all or family and friends, thanks to everyone that came!! We had yummy food and a HUGE monster truck bounce house thanks uncle Logan!! The kids had so much fun bouncing the wanted to eat and play at the same time so that was fun trying to get them all to sit and eat! I did a sesame street theme i didnt get to do ALL the things I wanted to do cause Johan has just had surgery on his knee so I have been pretty busy, he is like having a third child!! HAHA! I love him like crazy but his surgery has made me seen the light that I am far away from wanting another kid and how much he does for me!! But he is getting better pretty fast and is doing really well at physical therapy, also the brusing that was from his upper thigh clear down to his ankle its so sick!!! But thats a little update on him, I'm doing good Johan says that I have been really happy lately minus my headaches that drive me crazy! Its awesome trying to get stuff done with your head POUNDING!! But i have just been super busy with taking care of Johan, the kids, the house, and school that time is flying by!! Yesterday was my beautiful sisters bday, Happy Birthday Tiffy i love you so so so much you are the best person when i need someone to talk to and help me see things for how they are! We didnt get along growing up but thats ok i love our relationship now!! I wish we lived closer together maybe we will someday with the way Johan talks!! Haha he loves u guys!! Today is Daniels bday, Johans brother! Its so sick i met this kid when he was 8!! He just turned 14!! Where the freak does the time fly off too!?! He is getting so grown up its sick! Johans birthday is in a week and a half! I am trying to find something special to get him to show him how much me and the kids love him!!! So any ideas PLEASE let me know!!
There are the pics up top from Kysons bday party! Only a few though i will put the rest up when i get more time! But the 1st one is Kyson standing thinking he was such a big boy!! 2nd is Mommy and Ky i love kissing that cute little face!! 3rd is his face we know too well the pout (is that right??!!)!! 4th pic is Kyson with all his presents! 5th was of my other beautiful baby Kaiya!! I love my kids and hubby more than anything!! Also I want to once again thank you all that came to his 1st birthday party! It was the best being able to show Kyson how truly loved he is! There were a few friends missing and my sisters Tiff and Ronnie werent there plus my brothers Logan and Blake but they still called, also my dad, they all still called to wish him happy birthday even though they couldnt be there! But i still love that you tried and still called!! Thanks for doing so it meant a lot to Kyson ;)
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