Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kaiyas 2 year pictures!

She was such a hard 2 year old to get! All of these pictures were of her walking around or tricking her into looking at the camera! Yup she sure is acting her age!! Even though she was a brat, i still love my little boogie! Here are some of the pictures!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Baby Turned TWO!!

Kaiya turned two on Tuesday, and I was sad! She is growing so fast and it is so sad! I swear she knew that it was her birthday and that she was 2!! She was acting so strange! She would show off, throw fits, and get mad when we would talk and not listen to her! We took her to chuck E cheese cause she just loves that place! Johans mom and Yojana made her a very pretty princess cake, they made it with this brownie cookie mix that i got from Costco and it was so good! Kaiya thought so too! She was running around with her piece of cake, she had it wrapped in a napkin, when i tried to take it to push the napkin down i got in so much trouble!! We just had the family come to her birthday cause we wanted to do it small this time around! Being pregnant and having finals it was just so much easier! We did a big one for her 1st bday and we will probably do a big one for her 3rd! Just with everything going on i didnt have the time or energy to have a big party! Thank you for the family and the help that they did! Thanks for all the birthday wishes to Kaiya and the gifts! She got a Barbie head from Yojana, Nefi, Andrea and Sasha cause she loves to play with everyones hair! She loves it so much she wants to take it when we go bye-bye! She got Sherk the final chapter and the little mermaid toddler doll from my dad, help towards her new big girl from Grandma Violeta, Papa Felix, and Daniel, From my grandma and grandpa in Saint George she got a huge Spongebob pillow that she loves, my mom got her the movie Despicable Me, and then from us we got her princess barbies and what every girl loves...SHOES! Thanks again to everyone for her gifts and wishes! And to everyone who helped me, mainly Johan, Yojana and Grammy Violeta!

Here are some pictures:

~Birthday Girl!!~
~Daddy and Kaiya~

~Birthday outfit, It was a little big!~
~Eating her cake, TO GO!~
~Her princess cake, made by Grammy Violeta and Yojana!~

Friday, October 22, 2010

Well.....we found out early.......

Johan is getting his baby boy, finally!! Thank goodness for me though!! He said we were NOT stopping till we had a boy, yeah well easy for him he isnt the one popping them out!!! His name is going to be Kyson Josue Camacaro! Kyson is a name like Kaiya that i have liked for quite some time! It was a toss up for Kyson or Korbin but I just cant get passed the feeling that he is my Kyson!! Josue is Johan's middle name and i love it! It's NOT like Jose, it's Josue and its a part of Johan just like Berniece was a part of me, well my grandma who i loved so much! I cant wait to meet the little guy!! I will post more pictures from my diagnostic ultrasound later which is in about two weeks!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

In case you didnt hear!!

In case you already didnt know, we are expecting our second baby!! He/She should arrive around March 27th 2011!!! Which is Johan's little brothers bday, so he is convinced it is a boy! Well everyone does!! But still even though this pregnancy I am so different, I for some reason feel its a girl, but around my birthday we will find out!! I was right with Kaiya so I guess we will just have to wait and see, which i SUCK at!! I hate waiting!! I just wanna know!!! Yes i am impatient! But i will keep updates on how the baby and I our doing! Kaiya even knows that there is a baby in mommy's belly, even though she kicks me in the tummy while changing her diaper, she will sometimes tells the baby sorry! Cute but I get mad when she kicks me cause she does it hard and it hurts! But cant be mad when she had a rash or says sorry to the baby! I dont know how she is going to be when the baby finally does arrive, but she loves babies so thats another thing we will have to see!

Kaiya looked like a bean/peanut, this one looks like a baby piggy!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trip to my Dad in Saint George

When i was a little girl i would say around 8 I laid eyes on the Saint George Temple! I knew that i wanted to be sealed to my husband and family there......well it didnt really turn out the way i have wanted or dreamed!! I got married outside the temple, was married for 2 years then got pregnant and I remember like it was a conversation that took place this morning, but i turned to him while we were basking in the joy and glee, i said " We have to work hard now, not to find a better job (that can come later), mentally and psychically but most of all spiritually!!! So we work very long and hard to be able to become sealed to each other before our baby Kaiya was born......so when it came down to it, i was nine months pregnant and too big to sit in a car for 3 1/2 hours without wanting to die, so we decided to go where most people we know dont go, we went to the Provo Temple and WOW!! It was just as beautiful, not my dream but wow close enough. We were sealed December 3, 2008, which was also my brother Blakes 18th birthday....Then 11 days later Kaiya was born, its like she knew and not only her but God knew that we were ready for her to be blessed into our little family!!

But anyways we went to my dads for the 4th of July weekend and had a great time listening to Kaiya saying "no no" to the fireworks!! But before the fireworks we went around the temple and i LOVED every single minute of it, i felt so peaceful and humble that i fell in more love with the temple and my beliefs!! Any after we went for ice cream then went home to my dads house and passed out!! The rest of the time was family visits and dinner for two bdays!! It was a GREAT and FUN trip, these picture are just one of the best times and meaningful experience of my life, so far.......So here they are!!!

Johan and Kaiya getting ready for the stroll around the temple!!

Johan and me a the stairs in the front of Saint George Temple

My daddy, waiting at the temple bench for his person to spend eternity with!!

The Saint George Temple Dedicated April 6th 1877!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

It's been awhile!!

So summer finally came this week!! We have been swimming twice at my moms pool and yesterday it was 90 so Kaiya and Andrea went swimming in a little pool Yojana got for Andrea in the backyard, THEY LOVED IT!! Kaiya loves to be outside, so we will take walks and she rides in this little car my mom got from a friend. Kaiya is getting so big lately!! She talks a lot now.....She will say mommy, mommy, mommy until i say "what?" then she goes off on this long story and if i look away or start talking to Johan....mommy, mommy, mommy!! Cute yet obnoxious!! She says daddy now instead of dada, she calls my mom mammy, she says "hi" to everyone she sees, she says papa (for grandpa), she says baby, kitty, doggy.....she loves her family A LOT!! Whenever Johan's mom, dad, Yojana, Nefi, Daniel, and most of all Andrea comes down the stairs or she comes down the stairs, she gets so EXCITED!! The girls get so excited to see each other and they are lovey dovey for the first 5 mins then they start on the hitting, hair pulling, pinching, whatever...but as soon as we separate them, they freak out!!Anyway, we pull into my mom's apartment she knows we are at mammy's house, and she really loves her mammy!!

Lets see what else, she loves to have her shoes put on, and she is starting to take an interest in the toilet! She will stand next to it like she is going to sit down, pull on her pants and say pee....so i put her on the toilet and NOTHING!! But it is a start she is only a year and a half, that's when i was potty trained so we are trying! My baby is growing up and it makes me sad and wanting another one.....but don't worry family, we are trying to wait a little longer...but still it cant hurt to want!!

Johan is starting to apply for drafting jobs, so if anyone knows of any let us know!! He is so ready to be done with the last couple of classes....yes he did get to graduate early because they only offer the last ones in the summer and he made is case about not wanting to wait a year to graduate so they let him!! He should be done the end of July, and he could not be happier to get it over and done with!! I am so proud of him!! I try to tell him as much as i can that i am!! He is been the best lately!! Not like he isn't but we have been laughing a lot and trying to cuddle more, if Kaiya lets us most of the time she tries to get in the middle or tells Johan "NO!!" its pretty funny!! She keeps us laughing so hard that it makes our face and tummy hurt from laughing so hard!! We love are baby so much even when she is a little brat, that thinks she can do whatever she wants!! But I guess that is a girl for ya!! :)

Here are some pics so far that i have on my phone:

Kaiya loved these sunglasses....oh what girl, she loves to shop!!

She thought she was so funny!!

She was cold but didn't wanna get out!!


Friday, April 16, 2010

Since the last post....

Since the last post we have been crazy!! My sister came in for her husband's parents homecoming from their mission. It was so great to see her even though it wasn't as much as i would have like to spend with her!! But it was so nice to see her and my nephew and niece....they are growing up so much and they cracked me up the whole time!! Cael is so funny and the things he says you wonder where in the world did he learn that!!! I miss them already!!

Johan turned 22, yes still a young one, but he is the best!! I hope he had a great birthday and wanted to thank his family and Catania for coming to his birthday dinner!! It made him feel so good that he had people around to help us celebrate his birthday!! It was a fun time and I am so thankful for everyone that helped me!!

Johan is going to be graduating on April 30th and we are trying to set up a party to celebrate him in doing so well and working his butt off to provide for our family. Its getting down to final projects and he is so frustrated and grumpy lately!! Its hard for me to not take anything person but when i am trying to take care of Kaiya, go to school and do all my final projects, and i have been trying to get healthy, so he has been so busy that its hard for me not take anything personal......I know he is working hard but i need help too sometimes....but i am proud of him in all his hard work and hope whoever can come to his graduation party on April 30th i will let you know more about it when i get more of it figured out!! I love everyone in my life and thanks for everyone's help through our crazy lifes!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Some Cute things Kaiya has done!!

I know that i am always saying how big my baby is..........but this time i want to write things she has done so I remember and everyone can see how smart she is!!

2 months old:
* Learned to talk (coo)
* Started Smiling
* Would only wake up at 6 eat, then go back to bed (thats better than how she sleeps NOW)
* Found her fingers
6 months old:
* Could crawl (maybe more around 5 1/2 months, but 6 months she was good!!)
* Started to pull herself up
* Got her first tooth!! (it would come up and down for weeks she was 7 months when it finally came through!)
* Would laugh and talk to you
* Could stand alone for a very long time
10 months old:
* Found that she loved Blue's Clues and Bee movie
* Has four teeth now (finally, she had the bottom two forever)
* 10 1/2 months she started walking
* Could say: Mom, Baba (bottle), Dad, moe moe (more, more), Kitty, puppy, baby, and stop! (when we would play fight with anyone she would get so mad and scream!! Still does that)
* She is a very protective little girl! She loves to laugh and have fun but the second someone starts screaming or saying no, dont, stop.....She FREAKS out!! Its so sad and funny!!
1 year old:
* She loves to put her babies (she loves her babies) in the stroller my mom got her for Christmas, and push it around! Run into things, hard, then back up and run with the stroller.
* Loves when her Grandmas chase her! She loves to run away!! Which is AWESOME!! I can't wait till I hate it when she does it in the stores or something!! The other day Andrea and Kaiya were playing with coats and those girls have to have the thing the other has! So Andrea wanted both coats and would NOT let Kaiya have one so Yojana gave one to Kaiya and one to Andrea, and of course Kaiya wanted the one Andrea had and Andrea wanted the one Kaiya had! So Andrea grabbed the coat from Kaiya and dropped the other, so Kaiya grabbed it and RAN!! Andrea ran after her to get it and Kaiya was not giving it up this time without a fight!! She ran from the Kitchen table to the living room, around the couch, and back to the table behind me! It was so funny and cute!!
* Loves to pretend she is playing the video games with us! She will jump and laugh!
* Says think (from Blue's clues), woo ( when she spins herself, or stomps on the ground and turns in a circle, which is SO funny!!
* Sometimes my mom will say "Uno, Dos, Tres" and she copies her!! (well sounds pretty close)

She is my baby and yes i want to pull my hair out and she makes me so MAD, but i am SO in love with her!!! I love when she cuddles with me and gives me kisses!! I love my little princess and cant wait to see more of her personality come out!! I love you Kaiya and forever and always!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

~The loves of my life!!~

My baby girl, is so many things to me and i am feeling so bad that i get so frustrated with her at time......and Johan too....he is always busy with school, work, or homework and i lose my mind slowly but I want them to know that i am trying on being more patient and learning how to not let the little things get to me....Thank You so much for be patient with me while i am learning to be more patient too.....I love you guys so much....My life wouldnt be complete (well almost complete just waiting to add the last kiddos in our life)without you two, even with the craziness and the stressful times!! I love you two with all my heart...and I also love my mom too!! She is going through a rough patch and i hope that i can put my anger, bad attitude, and stress to the side to help her realize how thankful i am for her to help me with kaiya when i need her and she does even when she is sick!! So thanks mommy!!