Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 22, 2010

Well.....we found out early.......

Johan is getting his baby boy, finally!! Thank goodness for me though!! He said we were NOT stopping till we had a boy, yeah well easy for him he isnt the one popping them out!!! His name is going to be Kyson Josue Camacaro! Kyson is a name like Kaiya that i have liked for quite some time! It was a toss up for Kyson or Korbin but I just cant get passed the feeling that he is my Kyson!! Josue is Johan's middle name and i love it! It's NOT like Jose, it's Josue and its a part of Johan just like Berniece was a part of me, well my grandma who i loved so much! I cant wait to meet the little guy!! I will post more pictures from my diagnostic ultrasound later which is in about two weeks!!!